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Dec 19, 2018

It's December and for a lot of people, that means an office holiday party to look forward to. Or not.

In this episode, we get into the good, the bad, and the ugly of the office holiday party. We share real life examples of office party jerks and we give you our top tips & takeaways to avoid being "that" person at your...

Dec 11, 2018

#metoo and #timesup have empowered people to share their experiences and situations and have amplified the need for employers to examine their workplaces to ensure that they are fair and respectful. In this episode, we share stories of workplace misconduct that we’ve come across, common reactions, and what you can do...

Nov 28, 2018

Have you ever avoided a tough conversation at work?  Although we don’t have a magic solution or an online form that will solve your problem for you (yes, we’ve been asked for those!), there are ways to have tough conversations without coming across as a jerk. This episode is all about the importance of having...

Nov 28, 2018

Consider this: every time you say ‘yes’ to something, what are you saying ‘no’ to?  Why is saying ‘no’ so hard for some of us?  How can you say no without coming across as a jerk, feeling guilty, disappointing someone, or all of the above?  This week is all about the importance of setting boundaries and...

Nov 7, 2018

Have you ever felt like your co-worker needed a lesson in adulting?  When it comes to kitchen etiquette, respect for people’s time, and personal hygiene, shouldn’t we all just know better by now?   In this episode, we talk about relatable, annoying, and jerky behaviours that we’d love to see eradicated from our...